Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kates Playground Hardcorer

There are so many photos and stories, which I brought from my trip to Paraguay. Unfortunately, one or the other projects is on hold. Can now witch times, even if many believe it ...

Nevertheless, I'll do my best, because most readers share my country home, wait and look forward to these reports.

So far I have reported many positive and wonderful experiences. But there is also much poverty and misery. This is also part of everyday life easily and is also accepted as self-evident.

In the country, especially if one does leave, the world is beautiful and life is full of harmony. But many people there are forced to move to the city, to beg in the hope of, simple road construction, or just in the garbage to find something to live (survive).

they are called "campesinos sin tierra," which means "landless peasants". Einstein grew up in the countryside in a large family, the next generation has a chance to feed her family. They often occupy land from other farmers and cattle breeders.

on the plazas of the towns or on the edge of town, they beat their tents to overnight (if you could actually call the tents) and suddenly there are like mushrooms. Many make a living by fighting on the side of the road clean with a windscreen or the high earners are the owner of an abdominal loading or shine shoes. Other browse through the garbage and always find something useful. Often, crime, prostitution and drugs is the single most promising target! How often I have heard the admonition: "Do not go out there." "Make no photos. "Do you not respond." "Watch out that you steal." "The take you to" ... and a thousand other advice. But these people are no better and no worse than we are. But they have determined a worse fate! As we moan and complain that a public holiday by the garbage collection is delayed by one day, so do these people certainly, but unfortunately other reason. I write about it because also my Paraguay is one. For information. It's not Indian, which I plan to support. dance at various weddings I can not now.

Much love!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Acrostic Forgiveness Poem

My contribution to the campaign card of the month

stamp café every month the action: Map of the month.
Since the action involves a secret ballot, I show the card now even after the action.
The subject was supposed to be a vintage glass image. In the first experiment, I placed the embossed motif in the freezer and it curled up and afterwards I had all the cracks across the face, which did not look really good. I then embossed the subject and left it that way and give up Vintage.
did not this time I also sandblasted crochet ;-) but at least the subject.

Stamp: Inkadinkado Paperbag Studios and
Stamp Pads: Vesafine Vintage Sepia, Versa Magic
paper: Je t'adore by Making Memories
Beads: Jittenmeier
laser dance element:
flowers: wild orchid crafts
stanza: Spellbinders
Band: Ross
Others: Tim Wood distresser

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Congratulating Co-worker On New Position

people make collective report on the Fast

I do not know where is the time need to slim down the blog entries as well.

By the end of February, I had only on Monday as a fixed day in the week and every 14 days my cleaning job. As of now I'm free on Mondays! For this set, but Wednesdays and Fridays, one or the other Saturday and the cleaning Thursdays.

The budget should 'be indulged s! April and May, I'm always on the go.

My pilgrimage is slowly but surely taking shape and I'm looking very much! Please read the top! But first comes an even greater event, the wedding of my son! We fly to Germany on April 11, at 15 is the wedding. But until then very much to do. On 9 April to Kurt and I share the food, for the annual celebration of the environmental club, aufn table. Of course we have many helpers, but, for the purchase, preparation, delegation and success, we are fully responsible.

of everything else I've done otherwise before the trip, I must comply with the advice of my daughter and I have a list posted ... oh shitting! 22 posts! All important and big things right. Sun stuff like, must to the barber, for cleaning, etc. is on it only garnet. Rather well, I sew a dress for the wedding, etc.

The Positive; was six items I check off now! Knock, knock on the back!

The Canadian dollar has surpassed the U.S. dollar, that means for us to buy cheap Canadiense in USA. When I was there recently, I worked with Support of my children and from Kurt, a small camera bought for my pilgrimage. Extra swipe with panoramic mode. Which had to be so dedicated. Was suitable for the Tuesday. Kurt had to Sarnia, at the U.S. border to the doctor. Because it was a sunny day, and here I am with my first panoramic photos. The Blue Water Bridge. Images can be enlarged by clicking! Here begins the Lake Huron and recognize how to melt already so gradually, the ice on it. On all the photos you can see the sea horizon an insipid thin blue stripes, where the lake is not frozen. In three months I am going to swim again! And because so beautiful, I have brought you along with some photos and an old iron bridge. Soon it is spring. Here one pays much on the appearance of the first "Robin" (a North American migratory birds), if you see one that is no longer the spring far. Today I saw the first! He was too fast for me for photography.

Other birdies the upcoming spring show, are the North American gold finches. The special feature of which, they molt twice a year. (To say molting also in birds?), Never mind. You get in autumn brown plumage and bright yellow in spring they are in black and white. Currently they are half-half. The snow melts been there and is left by the most beautiful Eiskunstwerke. So to say as Farewell! Yesterday, Kurt, later for a birthday, get a package from his home. Pictures I have not done because it is not completely ... it is missing a large part of chocolate and sweets. What can I help it if I like the stuff so ...? Thank you, dear Ulla and notes! We are very pleased!

My half-fell free Squirrel's still coming to the food bowl and is almost always wide awake. I have no idea what could be the cause. The poor ass face (from the perspective of a baboon). Personally, it reminds me of a chicken breed at that time in Paraguay, which had no feathers on the neck. We called them "naked neck".

Best wishes and see you!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Nippes Are Sore And Tired Weeing More Why

♥ ♥ If you want me ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Who freed us from a cabinet body? When thinning of Sandra's "tiny little" cabinet is I like this combination of PAMPOLINA hands. It is much nicer than the photos show. Klitzersteine and embroidery adorn both the shirt and skirt. The shirt and skirt, the lower part are two-layer, the belt is part of the station wagon. Beautiful! Size 122nd
Exactly 1 x used; (
For 15 € Kpl changes the combination of the owner

Who wants to please write a mail . The first person interested to get the combination.

When Do You Know Pityriasis Rosea Is Going Away

teeny teaser ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Here you can see already had a small Chelsea-teaser. More will not tell;)

photographs are unfortunately made it on Saturday because we have two samples in core subjects (English and German), and we "must" diligently cramming vocabulary. Do you know HOW she notes that her mitlernt too much? You think and dream in English; ((((((((((((((((


And here you see another PIROSCHKA .. in the smallest size embroideries, even without a looker Dear Tanya, thank you for sending the great pictures;)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Astra Injector Peoblems

clothes people ...

... fur makes squirrel!

The cute little "so cute little animals", they are still cute when they are "ugly" are?

For a few days ago I watched this being disadvantaged. He is constantly hounded by his peers, but charming fellow and attacked. enemy # 1 with fur

enemy with fur # 2
With patience and a long time "on the toilet window quite stand still," I have the shy guy get in front of the lens.
Reminds me somehow of us humans. I mean the persecutors, not the victim. The little one definitely do not think, "Oh God, what am I only a poor little piggy Squirrel" sits in a corner and gives up. He continues to fight, looking for a strategy in order to obtain the feed pan. Attack is not a long time. His defense is nothing but flee. Does he know that he is "Ugly" is? I think not. Administration to decide between beautiful and ugly to be able, but only a privilege (or instill) the human species! Finally, we are the intelligent beings on earth!

a great rest of Sunday and all best wishes!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Neon Green Pin Stripe Tie

spring? ! ? ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Is it still not here so right. The temperatures are still in the minus range.

But for photography, it was just unreasonable.
The Beautiful Spring
by George Cooper

"I was here first," said The snowdrop, "look!"
"Not before me!" sang the silver brook.

"Why," cried the grass, "I've been here a week!"
"So have I, dear," sighed a violet meek.
"Well," piped a bluebird, "don't leave me out!

I saw the snow that lay round about."

"Yes," chirped a snowbird, "that may be true;
But I've seen it all the bleak winter through."
"I came betimes," sang the southwind, "I!"

"After me, love!" spake the deep blue sky.
"Who is it cares?" chimed the crickets gay:
"Now you are here, let us hope you'll stay."

Whispered the sun, "Lo! the winter's past:
What does it matter who's first or last?
Sky, brooks, and flowers, and birdies that sing,
All help to make up the beautiful spring."

Dieser Section is, according to a friend zusammengewuselt.
She could not decide, somehow it felt like
- an Empire-like shell
- a medallion of a belt
- rear and front part of the same design (in this case I have, however, refused to rounding)
- no zipper maximum of a button
- no bulky "Heike" dress but sporting cheeky
- a Venice-like rock, but exhibited less
- Tunnel trains from Piroschka (which we could have saved us)
- but not so much like a skirt, (

Since I do not own empire-cut, was crafted. So a top-edged but this was still the slightest challenge. Miley served as a basis. Since I do not want the bird, had a material part of Germany was sent to the embroidery. As a big hurdle turned out to the middle part. Do you know how difficult the fitting of this medallion-like-piece was? It is not installed, which would have made things a lot easier probably. Then appealed to the Venice-skirt and he was not reworked in "round sides. The craft of pie slices cost me weeks and the last nerve; (((((((((((((((. At the end of the dress was too long, so cut back the lateral folds inserts. on this prototype are still too short and a number had actually need to be longer, they would also drop nice, (for I have finished off any of the tracks, both laterally and in length, thus they lost their width). The Endtyp (middle section) but will also not be divided in the middle, but consist of a part. You do not know how many times I was about to throw that part in the corner. And the next superGAU: To Greta is a wrap jacket, that we have forgotten to go back home and I did not want to, otherwise Sandra freaked out.