Thursday, January 27, 2011

China, Plate, Popegosser

If you have a bird ...

The bird life in Independence is still a real paradise. The concert begins long before it's really light and goes on down in the deep night.
Unfortunately, they are very photo shy, can be wonderful in a thicket of trees and Streucher hide, but most importantly they are much faster than I can get behind the camera.
Sometimes I felt like I was the journeyman properly ripped and ridiculed.
The camera is always ready to shoot and look up, we quickly grope in Kuhhaufen or you realize too late that you stand in the ant nest.
I have brought you, unfortunately, only a fraction of the total diversity.
They are lurkers and have fascinated me as a child!
It is also called the guard dogs at the birds or grazing police. They are kind of motion. They live in partnership meadows and pastures. Like to be near streams, rivers or lakes. Every house here in the colony, then in addition its watchdogs.
They nest only in principle on the ground and make a Riessen cry when you come near. They try to mislead the enemy, in which she sat far away from the nest on the ground.
Or they fly forward to a very aggressive to just before sharp turn to. Supposedly they are to have spurs on their wings to attack a kind of thorn to the enemy. Since before I had as a child so much fear.
here in Paraguay they "Tero-Tero" are mentioned, because it sounds like her to cry.
When I was at the Hilde, we heard the Tero-Tero very often at night crying out loud. We suspected it was searching for a feed fox.
magpies naughty as ever ever ... only here they are yellow and black.
A yellow woodpecker.
that a "Hornero is. Its name owes its nest. Hornero comes from Horno, which in English means furnace.
It builds its nest mainly of clay and looks just like a Paraguayan oven.
This is an original parag. Oven and in the native language (Guarani) and Tata-CUA known. However, here in the photo, the proud possession of new German generation in Paraguay.
that a "Pilincho is. A Pilincho is also called a man whose hair rather unkempt and is projecting. As the bird indicated.
A variation of songbirds that I now not so Ratz-Fatz know by name.
These are small wild parrots that come up again in greater and scratching like to nibble times of young corn. Here they sit and steal the salt from the cattle.
Here I can only deceive me, and believed a "Pito-Güé" to have in front of the lens. Or they gave me said so. Still, I'm not so sure. The "Pito-Güé" is the most-feared bird Paraguayan of the ladies. (Actually, of several S-American countries.) An old Guarani Mytos said today, the cry of this bird always announces a pregnancy.
Then there are the "White Birds". I can remember about 30 years ago it suddenly true. They are always there to keep cattle out, so they were stamped to that time as disease bearers of foot and mouth disease, because their first appearance to time, randomly broke out the disease.
Only the strange thing, since then they have here in the region only a sleeping houses. Every evening they come flying in droves. From all directions, but they only end up on a Area of about 100 x 200 square meters. Not even in another tree nearby. Since it was not so far from my friend, we are sometimes executed run on one evening there. I unfortunately could not get very close because it was not only wetlands but also high marsh grass was also determined other unpleasant animals like snakes could accommodate. I also had the wrong lens on the camera. But so you can make you a picture of an unknown bird, stay to the Tausendne every night just at a point I make still a not so successful photos. Oh yes, they look like little egrets and I guess they preferred to eat the pesky ticks of cattle that have been created this parasite in their population quite back to Agen.
In the background, the Dreyer Berg!
Finally, what would be a "Ela Dreyer" Volgeleintrag in the blog without a photo of my beloved vultures. Today, even real-Paraguay!
a nice greeting!


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