Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Pokemon Yellow Source

Cross Mountain & Co.

Sunday before the week was in possitivsten sense, a stressful day!
morning with Hilde to the cattle. Then visit our old home. (See before. Entry). Lunch and trip to Kreuzberg and Fasserfall.
Here is a picture of our faithful companion and Hilda's favorite piece from their fleet.
May I introduce: Born in 1980 in Japan. Of his parents, the "Toyota" on the name "Bandeirante" baptized!
has never suffered from a disease. Even the measles, and every cough he has gone out of their way. Only the first heart (hums) suggests, according to the clock. Even cattle all know that sound, it means in their language: "We have salt! They come running with high miles tails! Real, this is to shoot! You can start by indirect near, engines of various makes of car you want. The cattle respond only to the Bandeirante!
I am sure, would be filmed this cattle-racing action and the producers in Japan Could send it created the best advertising and Hilde mort could gain in it!
The interior is a little more modest, but all it takes to get to go there, where every other vehicle capitulated.
Even air conditioning in the leg area is available!
Well ... a little ice can help out with doing just fine. It was so hot!
Hello! ... It's just a plastic bag filled with water, placed in the freezer to sell it as ice!
Before that, had lunch, strengthened by including beans and pumpkin salad. Then it went towards the mountain! I apologize even after the event that Muscat had to climb the mountain with a strong headwind!
Here are some impressions on the way there.
Here we are approaching the goal closer. The roads are still passable.
There he is! The mountain with the cross!
At this point I would like to briefly explain what this mountain for my daughter Sonja always added.
It was 5-7 when we lived in Paraguay. The mountain can be seen even from our ex land.
She always said: "Up there on the Krez God lives."
Was it cross? Or because it was so high up, so close to heaven?
She loved the "Kreuzberg" and painted him always very happy when we have long lived in Germany again. Here we are at the foot of the mountain with views of our old "Dreyer-Berg" in the distance. So to say that of Dreyer mountain behind.
Then we are on the old "Böni Waterfall" descended.
Erika and Musch are in the picture!
cliffs and difficult paths. from the other side, the road is more used and not that difficult. We chose the old and traditional finish!
finally down!
Sometimes with, sometimes without much water. Above is a jammed beach, and when brought down sharply from the water that make up the traffic jam on for a few minutes.
Then it was back again, because we were invited back for coffee and cake for Margaret (2nd v L.). Here I am with a dear friend the rings. It is 91 years, made even more tailor's, is still fully active undhat all the senses together and fully under control.
For me only the "Nipo", as I for them only the "Niki" bin. A beautiful woman with strong character. She is the mother of my Freundind Hilde and Musch. Then there is her son Hans, with whom I've always gefetzt since early childhood. The eldest daughter Anne lives in Germany. Also, she and her family have a special place in my heart.
"Nipo love, now I'm back home in Canada and look at the blanket that you gave me even more quickly crocheted and I think so, and each individual Mesh could be a memory that we share. I thank you for both! "


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